Season 1
Episode 13 - Brenda Hollingsworth on promoting your law practice
Brenda Hollingsworth created a successful personal injury boutique from scratch in 11 short years (at the time of recording). The firm had grown from the initial two partners to include eight busy associates. She has served on the Judicial Appointments Committee as a representative of LSUC and currently is on the Advocates Society committee on Personal Injury and Insurance Law.
In this episode, Brenda discusses techniques to promote your practice, whether you work in a firm or have started up your own shop. These are the techniques that should be taught in law school.
Listen to the podcast here.

Episode 12 - Eric Williams on civil trial techniques
Eric Williams is an acclaimed leader of the civil litigation Bar of Ontario. He has successfully pleaded cases in personal injury (plaintiff), insurance defense, professional liability, product liability and employment in the trial courts and appellate courts all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.
In this episode, Eric discusses trial techniques concerning opening, the use of spin, preparing witnesses to testify, objections, use of document briefs and many other subjects of interest to young trial counsel.
Listen to the podcast here.

EPISODE 11 - Fiona Porter on the insurance defence perspective
Fiona Porter is the manager of legal claims for Intact Insurance at its Ottawa office. She serves on the CCLA's Diversity Committee, has co-chaired Intact's Senior Counsel Conference, has been certified as a trainer by the Advocates Society and has presented at the CCLA's Civil Litigation Conference.
In this second of two episodes, Fiona discusses the insurance defence perspective and techniques for the plaintiff's counsel to improve their chances of a successful resolution of insurance claims.

Episode 10 - Fiona Porter on professionalism
Fiona Porter is the manager of legal claims for Intact Insurance at its Ottawa office. She serves on the CCLA's Diversity Committee, has co-chaired Intact's Senior Counsel Conference, been certified as a trainer by the Advocates Society and presented at the CCLA's Civil Litigation Conference.
In this first of two episodes, Fiona discusses professionalism, career management and issues that face young lawyers.

Episode 9 - Laurie Tucker on personal injury intakes
Laurie Tucker served from 2004 until recently on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, including as President. Awarded CCLA's RSJ Award, Laurie's practice focuses solely on serious personal injury cases and insurance-related litigation. With two partners, Laurie founded and manages a personal injury boutique firm.
​In this episode, Laurie discusses intake issues for prospective clients in personal injury cases.

Episode 8 - Ted Mann on wills
Ted Mann is a past president of the CCLA. He is a founding and managing partner of Mann Lawyers. Ted is a solicitor, the first to be interviewed for this series. Ted practices in the areas of wills and estates, commercial and corporate law.
​In this episode, Ted discusses how to test for capacity, take will instructions and draft wills.

Episode 7 - Ian McBride on construction litigation
Ian McBride is a past President of the CCLA. He is a founding and managing partner of MBC Law Professional Corp. Ian is best known as a construction litigator, but his practice includes estate and commercial litigation.
​In this episode, Ian discusses techniques in construction litigation.

Episode 6 - Bryan Carroll on effective discovery
Bryan Carroll recently retired from a busy civil litigation practice, and now serves as a mediator and arbitrator. Bryan is best known as insurance defence counsel, but his practice included a wide range of cases before administrative tribunals and civil litigation.
​In this episode, Bryan discusses how to plan for and conduct an effective examination for discovery. A winner of the Advocates Society's Catzman Award, Bryan provides advice about the role of civility in modern litigation.

Episode 5 - William Neville on arbitration
Bill Neville has worked exclusively as an arbitrator and mediator since the 1990's. He has conducted over 1000 mediations and presided over dozens of arbitrations, mostly in the areas of commercial and construction disputes.
In this episode, Bill discusses techniques that work in arbitration, and how arbitration differ from civil litigation.

Episode 4 - Rick Moore on mediation in personal litigation
Rick Moore is a past President of the CCLA and a professional mediator. He was one of the first to offer mediation services in eastern Ontario. His mediation clients include hospitals, police services, large and small businesses and law firms, colleges and universities, and federal, provincial and territorial governments.
​In this episode, Rick discusses mediation techniques.

Episode 3 - Jeff Saikaley on preparation for trial
Jeff Saikaley is a trustee of the CCLA and co-chair of the annual Civil Litigation Conference at Mt. Tremblant. He is a founding and managing partner of Caza Saikaley LLP. His practice consists of commercial, employment, and defamation litigation.
​In this episode, Jeff discusses how to prepare for trials in civil litigation.

Episode 2 - Lynne Watt on legal argument
Lynne Watt is a past president of the County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA). She is a partner at Gowling WLG in Ottawa. Her practice consists of commercial litigation and appellate advocacy.
​​In the inaugural interview of this series, Lynne discusses how to create and deliver a persuasive legal argument.