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Season 2

Episode 34 - Jaye Hooper's "New" firm after five years. What's changed?

Jaye, now Justice Hooper, described the creation of her new firm in Episode 16 (see below). Five years after the initial interview about setting up a new firm, Jaye described the lessons learned - in retrospect.  Listen to the new podcast here.

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Episode 27 - Christophe Bondy explains international law as a career

Christophe Bondy has the career many junior Canadian litigators can only dream of. He negotiates international trade agreements. He conducts investor vs. state arbitrations, representing investors and nation-states. He juniored in Toronto for Torys, worked in Paris, returned to Ottawa as senior counsel in the NAFTA Trade Law Bureau within Foreign (now Global) Affairs, and currently works in London (UK) - all in  his chosen field of public international law. In this interview, Christophe discusses what it means to practice public international law as a civil litigator.  Along the way, he gives great tips on how to deal with journalists and how to focus your career goals on interests rather than what is trendy today.

Listen to the podcast here.


EPISODE 25 - Emilie Taman discusses work-life balance

Emilie Taman walks the talk. Unhappy with the formation of criminal law policy while serving as a public prosecutor (federal), Emilie left the safety of the civil service and ran for office as an NDP candidate in a Liberal riding with a popular sitting MP. And then sued her former employer for denying her request for a leave of absence. Mixing litigation, community service and a busy family life with a litigator spouse and three active children, Emilie would either find a work-life balance or explode. Listen to Emilie recount her story and offer advice to young lawyers who want to "have it all".

Listen to the podcast here.

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EPISODE 24 - Carissima Mathen brings constitutional law to life

Carissima Mathen has become a trusted explainer of Canada's complex constitutional issues to the Canadian public. She has mastered the art of tweeting in real time to bring the incomprehensible to the living rooms of the nation. In this podcast, Carissima explains how significant inter-jurisdictional disputes matter to the common person. And it's not just trucking beer across provincial boundaries! 

Listen to the podcast here.


EPISODE 19 - Trina Fraser & Mario Torres discuss creating a new practice group within a firm

Trina Fraser and Mario Torres discuss the creation of a new practice group, Canna Law, within the framework of an established law firm, Brazeau Seller LLP.

Listen to the podcast here.

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EPISODE 18 - Peter Cronyn & Frances Shapiro Munn discuss class actions

Peter Cronyn and Frances Shapiro Munn undertook tort class actions at Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP. Peter was a past president of the CCLA. In this podcast, they discuss how they started this endeavour, some of the class management issues presented in the unusual class action against Ottawa fertility specialist, Dr. Norman Barwin (since settled), and lessons learned for junior lawyers considering a career in class actions practice.

Listen to the podcast here. 


EPISODE 17 - Beverley Johnston & Adrienne Curran on maternity leave

Beverley Johnston and Adrienne Curran founded Johnston Family Law, a boutique in Westboro, near Ottawa's downtown. Adrienne had just returned from maternity leave. Together, they discuss lessons learned.

Listen to the podcast here.

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Episode 16 - Jaye Hooper on starting a law firm

Jaye Hooper (now a Justice of the Superior Court of Ontario) had recently created Hooper Litigation, a civil litigation boutique in Westboro, near Ottawa's downtown. Jaye is a past president of the CCLA. She discusses lessons learned from the process of creating a firm. 

Listen to the podcast here.

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Episode 15 - Eugene Meehan Q.C. on factum writing

Eugene Meehan Q.C. is the founding partner of Supreme Advocacy LLP, a boutique law firm focusing on Supreme Court of Canada advocacy and agency; Court of Appeal factums; and complex legal opinions.

Listen to the podcast here.


Episode 14 - Alyssa Tomkins and Andrew Ferguson discuss partnership

Alyssa Tomkins and Andrew Ferguson both practice civil litigation in Ottawa: Alyssa (then at Caza Saikaley LLP, now at Gowling WLP) and Andrew at MBC Law Professional Corp.  

Both lawyers were then recent partners at their respective litigation boutique firms.  Both were early members of the Advocacy Club and leaders of the Ottawa Bar. This 50-minute discussion deals with how and why they became partners and how the partnership has impacted their practices and careers.

Listen to the podcast here.

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